"What if there was something you could conveniently add to your water and was actually good for you?"

A drop of inspiration

That's what Martin thought in the spring of 2016 on a flight to Singapore. Together with his brother Henry and his friend Christoph, they turned this vision into reality and just like that, the Microdrink was born. With the finest of fruit and plant extracts compressed into a small cube, all you need is fresh water.

And that's how it should be.

  • 400 +EMPLOYEES

    Our team consists of 400+ employees hailing from all around the world. As an equal opportunities workplace, we are pleased to announce most of our workforce is driven by women.


    Little drops make the mighty ocean – we are proud to have over 2M followers on our combined social media platforms supporting our mission to help everyone Drink More Water.

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  • We are less plastic & CO2

    Did you know? The amount of plastic in a 12-Pack box is just slightly more than a single bottle cap. Save up to 98% of plastic and CO2 by switching to Truovix®!

  • We are recyclable

    While we are not plastic-free yet, our blisters are 100% recyclable and made of minimal plastic. This helps us guarantee the integrity and freshness of our product.

  • We are for everyone

    Be it fruity, sweet or refreshing, we have a flavour for every mood and desire. Still or sparkling, subtle or rich—you are the master of your own hydration. Cheers to you!

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